Welcome to Year 1's Page

Welcome to Year 1's page. Here you will find out about what the children have been learning and how to access remote learning.

Year 1 Termly Newsletter

Google Classroom

All children have been set up with an account on Google classroom, their username and password can be found in their reading record.   Through this platform, they will be able to access work directly from their class teacher, upload their answers and receive feedback. There is also the facility for children to ask for help from their teacher if they are finding a piece of work difficult. In the event of a lockdown or self isolation, this is where the children will be directed to their daily work.

Click on the link below to access the Google Classroom

We have so much exciting learning that we would love to share with you...

During the spring term we are continuing with our addition and subtraction in maths up to 20.

Our core text in English this term is Percy the Park Keeper. We will be showing our super writing skills by creating a non-chronological report about owls, an acrostic poem, retelling a story and writing a recount.

In science we are learning all about animals including humans. This will be accompanied by a visit from the animal man where we have an exciting opportunity to experience a range of animals within our classroom.

In RE we will be learning about Islamic beliefs, artefacts and places of worship.

Geography this term will be all about the landmarks within our capital city of London and this will be followed by our history topic about the Great Fire of London.

In art we are focusing on digital art inspired by Lev Manovich and in DT we will be making biscuits.

We are doing gymnastics in PE where we are exploring a range of jumps and movements, and creating our own animated story books in computing.

What we are learning about in the Autumn term: