Governors and Governing Body Information
Governor's Details
Name of Governor | Committee | Category | Appointing Body | Business Interest/Relationships with School Staff | Term of Office |
Ms K Figgitt | Clerk to Govening Body | Clerk | School | None | N/A |
Mr P Simpson (Chair of Governors) | Finance, Personnel & Premises | Local Authority | Local Authority | None | 23.02.21 - 22.02.2025 |
Mr M Allen | Safeguarding, Inclusion & Attendance, Curriculum, School Improvement, Attainment & Achievement | Co-opted Governor | School | None | 15.11.21-14.11.25 |
Ms I Wyld | Finance, Personnel & Premises, Pay committee, Safeguarding & HT Performance Management, Curriculum, School Improvement, Attainment and Achievement | Co-opted Governor | School | Governor - The Wordsley School | 19.12.23-18.12.27 |
Ms V Tsang | Curriculum, School Improvement, Attainment & Achievement | Staff Governor | School | None | 29.06.21-30.06.24 |
Mrs K Poole | Safeguarding, Inclusion & Attendance, Curriculum, School Improvement, Attainment & Achievement | Parent Governor | Governing Body | None | 09.09.21- 10.09.24 |
Mr J Critchton | Pay Appeal, Finance, Personnel and Premises | Co-opted Governor | School | A Director of Education Psychology Service which the school uses. | 28.03.22-27.03.26 |
Kerry Roberts | Curriculum, School Improvement, Attainment & Achievement | Co-opted Governor | School | None | 29.06.21-30.06.24 |
Lynn Partridge | Safeguarding, Inclusion & Attendance, Curriculum, SIC, Attainment & Achievement | Co-opted Governor | Schools | None | 29.06.21-30.06.24 |
Hannah Didlock | Safeguarding, Inclusion and Attendance | Associate Member | School | None | 24.11.21-23.11.24 |
Adam Leach (Vice Chair of Govenors) | Finance, Personnel & Premises | Parent Governor | Parents | None | 21.11.22 - 20.11.25 |
Katie-May Leach | To be confirmed | Parent Governor | Parents | None | 01.04.24 - 31.03.28 |
Laura Wade | To be confirmed | Parent Governor | Parents | None | 01.04.24 - 31.04.28 |
What Governors Do
We contribute to the work of the governing body in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school by:
- setting the school’s vision, ethos and strategic direction
- holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
- overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Who We Are (The Human Bit!)
Brook’s governing body is made up of staff governors, parent governors, LA governors (those appointed by the local authority, ie. the council), co-opted governors, associate governors and staff observers.
We all care deeply about the school, the education and well-being of the children and the professional development and well-being of our staff.
We are all volunteers who give our time to attend training, go to meetings, serve on panels when we are needed and do lots and lots of reading! We come from all walks of life with different professional backgrounds including business, finance, HR and communications, the forces and public service roles. We combine this mix of skills with a shared desire and commitment to work with staff, pupils, parents and the community to make Brook the best school we possibly can.
We have all signed up to the Brook Primary School Governors Code of Conduct:
Our Specific Roles
We are all linked with a year group each, and undertake a class visit at least once a term.
We also play other roles, serving on panels, chairing the governing body itself or chairing or sitting on various committees including finance, personnel, performance management, school improvement and curriculum, pay appeals, pupil discipline, staff dismissal, staff pay and appeals committees.
We also have individual responsibilities for such things as literacy, numeracy, child protection, special educational needs, appraisal and training.
The Kind of Things We Do
The role is extremely varied and you can find a comprehensive list of what we do here:
To give you a flavour of the role, here are a very few examples of the variety of things we do:
- Approve the implementation of new or updated school policies
- Approve major financial decisions made within the school
- Ask challenging questions of school leaders
- Look at our results data and question how we can improve
- Hear staff and pupil appeals
- Listen to and report back on the comments and concerns of pupils, parents, staff and the wider community.
What We Don’t Do
- Undertake audits
- Assist in classrooms as a governor (though we may do this as an additional voluntary role)
- Fundraise
- Undertake observations of teachers – we are not Ofsted inspectors
- Undertake the jobs of school staff
The Training We Have
Many of us have brought our own professional qualifications to the role, but between us we have received training in child protection, staff recruitment, British values, head teacher performance management, understanding school data and much more.
What We’ve Been Looking at This Term:
- We’ve welcome a new parent governor and a new associate governor.
- We’ve accepted and implemented updated policies including those related to grievances, employment references and complaints.
- We’ve also agreed for Brook to adopt the UN’s Rights of the Child and be a Rights Respecting School.
- We’ve expanded our entitlement curriculum with the new GEMS scheme which we hope parents and children will enjoy working on together.
How to Contact Us
You can contact any of us via the school office, but feel free to stop us in the playground and arrange to see us separately if you have something to discuss (though issues to do with individual pupils need to be raised with school staff). We may not be able to help you there and then, but we will report any issues back to the school so that we can work together to help make Brook a better school for everyone.