Keyworker/Vulnerable Children Survey

At 8pm on Monday 4th January, Boris Johnson made the announcement of a National Lockdown and consequently, the closure of all schools. However, it is our responsibility to provide childcare for vulnerable children and those whose parents are keyworkers and have no other childcare options.

If it is at all possible for your child/children to be at home, then they should be. So if one parent is a key worker and the other does not work, they will be able to look after the children. Also if you work part time the child only needs to attend when you are at work. We appreciate how difficult it is however, if one of the parents are working at home then the child should also remain at home. Before you complete this survey please think: Have you ensured that you are only using the facility when absolutely necessary? Children whose parents are BOTH key workers will take priority.

If you require a childcare place, please complete the following survey: