Our Curriculum
We are extremely proud of the hard work that we have put in to further develop our curriculum over the last two years. We started by thinking about what our curriculum should provide our pupils with. Here at Brook, our broad and balanced curriculum is child-centred; designed to provide our students with transferable skills; engaging our pupils to develop a thirst for new knowledge, promoting opportunities which prepare our pupils so that they become successful, lifelong learners; making positive contributions to our community, society and wider world.
Our curriculum ensures excellent coverage of the National Curriculum (Years 1-6) and Foundation Stage Early Years Curriculum (Nursery and Reception Children). We have fully embraced the higher expectations set out in both curricula and have devised our own units of work for each subject area so that we can ensure a sound progression of learning. We also have a core team of specialist teachers who are passionate about their curriculum area. Our curriculum is broad and balanced and offers a wide range of curricular activities involving visits out of school and visitors to school to enhance learning and extend pupils’ cultural capital.
For detailed information about different areas of the curriculum click on each section below. If you would like further, or more specific, information about any aspects of our Curriculum please contact your child’s teacher in the first instance, or a member of the Leadership Team (Mrs R Taylor)