School Council 2024 - 2025
Here at Brook Primary School, our School Council gives pupils the opportunity to be involved in improving school life for everybody by working together to develop a caring school community as well as offering support to local charities. Our School Council prides itself on making a positive impact in school.
What is the School Council?
- A School Council is a group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils.
- The Council is a place for discussion and decision-making to improve the school, where everyone's views are valued.
Why have a School Council?
- To create a feeling of belonging, encourage listening to others and develop self-confidence.
- To help children develop responsible attitudes.
- To improve behaviour.
- To give children hands-on experience of issues in the National Curriculum, and PHSE and Citizenship.
When does the School Council take place?
- The School Council meet every half term for about 1 hour in the school conference suite with Mrs Taylor.
How can pupils raise an issue?
The school council can raise issues in the half termly meetings
How can pupils find out what happened?
- Class representatives will feed back to their class as soon as possible the following meetings.
How to become a School Council member
- Our School Council changes every year, so all pupils at Brook have the opportunity to take part when they are in Key Stage 2.
- If you work hard and do a good job, you can get voted to stay on for a following year as an honorary member.
- During new class induction mornings you will be expected to give a small speech to your peers about why you would like to be on School Council and what you would bring to the role. Then, your classmates will vote. The two children with the most votes will become the School Council members for the class.
Roles and Responsibilities on School Council
Role | Role Description |
Chairperson | A chairperson runs the meeting, take views of other Council members, takes votes and liaises with Mrs Fellows. |
Deptuy Chair | A deputy Chairperson supports the chairperson and completes the above jobs in chairperson absence. |
Secretary | A secretary draws up the agenda, takes minutes of the meetings, is in charge of school council display and communicates with classes and School Council members. |
Deputy Secretary | A deputy secretary supports the secretary in note taking and communicating information across the school. |
Treasurer | A treasurer is in charge of fundraising, budgets and monitors spending. At fundraising events, the treasurer also helps to deal with the money taking and counts the money after the event. |
Deputy Treasurer | A deputy treasurer supports the treasurer in handling money and counting money after fundraising events. |
Class Representative | All other members of the council who suggest agenda ideas, listen to pupil's views and report back to their classes after the meetings. |
All these roles are voted on by the School Council at the first meeting.
What Have Brook School Council Achieved?
- The School Council have organised many events including the Dippy Family evening, where the School Council held their very own refreshment stand and sold a range of drinks, sweets, popcorn and snacks.
- Continued development of the school playground including the introduction of 3 table tennis tables.
- Choose messages and music for the internal school tannoy system.
- Supported with wider community events e.g. Summer Fair and Brook Bonfire.
- Visited the Black Country Food Bank; collecting and donating 125.3kgs of food and 26.4kgs of non-food, an amazing amount.
- Met with MP Mike Wood to discuss issues within the local area e.g. street parking, littering.
- Arranging whole school events for Children In Need.
What are Brook School Council Planning To Do This Year (2024 - 2025)?
- • Help deliver assemblies throughout the school year.
- • Go to Lidl to select produce to help make Christmas hampers.
- • Raise money to replace some equipment e.g pirate ship.
- • Create a 'Clean up crew' to help with litter in the local area.
- • Work with the Brook kitchen team to run a tuck shop.
- • Sort school uniform/ lost properties e.g. sale on playground/ make parcels for those who may need some.
- • Continue promoting our school values and supporting with wider community events.
- • Hold a movie night for both KS1 & KS2.
- • Hold a Sell-A-Suitcase event during the summer term.
- • Continue holding fundraising events to support school projects.